Adventures of a Childlike Wonder

Live a brilliant adventure.


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The was the word my friend used to describe my passion for others.

Whenever people give me letters or cards, I save them for a moment when I know I’ll be able to read them without any distractions.

And when I’m in a place where I can cry because I usually cry when I read or hear things people say about me.

I’m sensitive and I cry when something makes me feel good.

Or bad.

So what?

Anyway, she wrote some really nice words about me and I think I needed to hear those things from someone else.

I’m a pretty selfless person and I don’t say that to be modest because that’s just who I am. I love other people’s birthdays more than my own and I love buying small gifts for people when they remind me of them. 

I just think it’s great and important to remind people that you care about them.

I tend to put others first simply because that’s how I operate. I look at the world and find ways to help others because I’m lucky enough to have a family that cares about me and would never not support me.

Someone asked me once if I was born with a heart of gold.

Maybe I was. I don’t really know where this comes from. 

Maybe it happened when I saw that J-LO movie, “Glitter,” and though it was a silly movie, I remember a quote from it that said “Never take anyone for granted in life because you never know when you might lost them.”

When I was younger my siblings and I used to be bullied for being wealthy. We were pinned as “spoiled rich girls” and I just always found that silly because I’ve always worked in a restaurant and i’ve always been thankful that my parents worked as hard as they did so they could provide for their family. So I never really understood why people would judge me for having the last name of an India doctor. My dad makes alot of money, I would rely on cash tip outs to buy food at Sonic with my friends.

Things like that stick with me. Things people say stick with me. I keep a journal where I just write things people say – to me, about me, or things I overhear and just want to remember. 

But, anyway, it was nice to hear my friend say something so nice because when you’re selfless, you forget to pat yourself on the back. And when you’re sensitive and feel unappreciated, you feel lonely and like you don’t matter.

It’s a balancing act and I’m getting better at it.

Someday I hope to find someone who will help me balance that.

My friend is a really good friend and I am happy that we had a brilliant adventure together and that we both recognize each others remark ability.

I am going to write her something nice back now. Because that’s what you do when someone says something nice. Especially when you think the person deserves to know those nice things about themselves.

This is why I live writing letters.

And sending mail.

I like reminding people that someone thinks highly of them. 

That even if they don’t know it, someone is thinking of them or had a moment where they were inspired by them.

People should write more letters.

And be more honest with their words.

Life is too short not to tell someone something.

I’m realizing that now and I’m getting better at it.

Author: ikthottam

I like to travel. I write. I volunteer. I bike. I like mason jars and I will own a kayak one day.

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