Adventures of a Childlike Wonder

Live a brilliant adventure.

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Apologies, followers

I apologize for the lack of writing lately – the whole point of this blog was to keep me writing, eek! But, I fell ill with the flu and am starting to get back into it.

What’s coming —

While I’ve been away, I traveled back to New Hampshire for a volunteer ski trip, so i’ll write a reflection on that experience.

Tomorrow I leave for a 5 day trip to Seattle, WA – so there will be lots to write about! Oh how I miss the Cascades and the evergreens!

Thirdly, I’m making some progress on my plans to travel to India this summer to work with an orphanage (also a bucket list item for me) so, I’ll probably write a though blog on the experience of planning/designing your own volunteer trip.

Okay, so, that’s what I’ll be writing about over the next couple of days/week. Hope that sounds interesting to you!

Now, time to drink as many fluids as possible anddd…GO!

Oh and just because this post needs a photo, here’s me running down the side of a volcano in Nicaragua this summer:

volcano run
